Plus, frequent drinking is also felt in your wallet. The average UK family spends nearly £1,000 a year in booze, whereas some studies say the lifetime cost of drinking is approximately £50,000. In view of the disadvantages, it’s time to weigh the costs against the benefits of being teetotal.

Clearer Mind, Less Brain Fog

Those effects actually go away and reverse if people drink too much. We also have some very strong studies showing that heart disease risk, while lower amongst moderate drinkers, can be substantially higher among people who drink to excess even occasionally. We found that men who were drinking at least three to four days a week or more had lower heart attack risks than people who had one drink a week. A wide variety of health effects have been attributed to moderate drinking.

You’ll be healthier.

  • In addition, although we don’t think moderate drinking necessarily clouds our judgment, it turns out that it probably does.
  • So, you know, I had Catherine gray and Annie grace on and Jason Vale and just loads of amazing people and lots of sober heroes and, and so yeah, it’s just it’s gone from strength to strength.
  • So, to be part of a community where people absolutely know what you’ve been through.
  • And, you know, now obviously, I’ve got the book out as well.
  • There are certain brain chemicals called excitatory neurotransmitters that will stop doing their job when you drink, which can make you feel sleepy and sedated.
  • This can be anything from a basic weight-loss challenge (or more ambitious challenges for the not so faint hearted).

‍Not only is regular movement and exercise beneficial for your overall health, it also can help you remain alcohol-free. When you add some type of fitness into your life, your mental health is strengthened, therefore your resolve to stay sober is also strengthened. Additionally, staying active can help you maintain a social life if you encourage a loved one to join you.

tips for a healthy Ramadan fast

It’s also one of the most dangerous drugs, with over 10 million people becoming addicted to it every year. For many people, going alcohol-free is an impossible decision but it is one that is definitely worth considering. From weight loss to better sleep, the long-term and short-term side effects can be noticeable. I talk about embracing life without alcohol and sharing 25 benefits from women I work with privately and inside my monthly membership program.

  • It’s unique as not many people are familiar with Afghan cuisine; all the dishes are great value and it’s a fantastic place to explore new dishes.
  • While your physical appearance may not be a deciding factor in cutting out alcohol from your life, it will still improve when you become alcohol-free.
  • I found that once I stopped drinking, my job was significantly easier than it was when I was drinking.
  • When you go without alcohol for an extended period of time – whether it’s six weeks, or two months, or whatever – you’ll likely end up in some social situations where you’d normally drink.
  • You know, how to calm yourself and how to manage emotions.

Thriving without Alcohol: Tips for Maintaining an Alcohol-Free Lifestyle

I certainly think women at high risk for breast cancer should talk with their doctors about whether they should be drinking any alcohol. There is some evidence that women may be particularly prone, for example, to liver disease related to drinking. Even moderate drinking may increase breast cancer risk. There actually have been experiments done in which alcohol was administered over a couple of months to people without diabetes. In those studies, most of which have been conducted in women interestingly, it looks like moderate drinking improves the body’s sensitivity to insulin.

These effects will subside as your body adjusts to the absence of alcohol. I will leave you with this, ask yourself what alcohol provides to you in your life that is positive and makes you feel alive as you age. Flash forward seven-plus years into my sobriety, and the thing that comes to mind when typing benefits of living alcohol free this post is I wish I had gotten sober sooner. When I first decided to give up alcohol, I didn’t see many benefits heading my way. I felt like I was giving myself a lifelong sentence of boredom and being an outcast. Overall, we hope all of these tips will help you stay alcohol free in the coming year.

  • So, I, I wrote the book, happy, healthy, sober, ditch the booze and take control of your life.
  • Quitting booze can you help make better food choices, as a study found that people are more likely to go for fatty foods after drinking.
  • As we mentioned earlier, the soporific effect of booze can help us to pass out.

And then of course, the really, really important one is connection. And I just don’t think this is possible without connection with like-minded people. We really need people who have been there, done it got the t shirt. And again, I’ll have clients sometimes will say to me, I don’t really need to, you know, join the sober club or find a tribe of any kind because my partner’s really supportive. And then you find you know, little way down the line, they’ll be having a bad day or feeling a little bit wobbly, and set partner will say to them, you know what you’re doing so well.

Giving up alcohol for just 1 month has lasting benefits